how much data does facebook use

Perhaps unsurprisingly given the slightly higher level of effort required to make a comment as opposed to clicking the react button. So much so that the engineer who pioneered the concept has deleted the Facebook app from his phone. Facebook accounts for 62% of social logins made by consumers to sign into the apps and websites of publishers and brands. Facebook, then, is a prominent news source among a diverse range of Americans. According to Facebook ad benchmarking stats from online advertising agency Wordstream (based on 8,287 US accounts, between Nov 2016 and July 2019), the average CTR for Facebook ads across industries is 0.89%. In percentage terms, this means that a rather stunning 66% of … World’s most-valuable companies at the turn of 2020. Coca-Cola, in fifth, reasserts in status as the world’s favourite beverage (McDonald’s also features in the top-20), while Buzzfeed’s Tasty page proves that food and drink are big business in the 21st century. Facebook Demographics. Certainly, it will prove an edifying case for scholars looking back at how business was done, and how we lived, in the disruptive first decades of the 21st century. Marketplace | News & Insights | Data | Events, negative effect on the mental health of users, The case was settled for $65 million in 2008, Facebook was the fourth most-downloaded app. The researchers argue their definition is loose, thus this figure represents what they say is the upper threshold for problematic usage. The low CPM here can be directly related to the relatively low level of investment we saw above. 51% of respondents to this survey (published in May 2019) said they planned to increase organic marketing activity on Facebook over the year to come, while 10% said they planned to decrease it. At the time of writing (early January 2020), Facebook share price stood at $212.60. You can get updates from Facebook here. You can opt out anytime. Though only accounting for 3.1%, certainly this allows for a good deal of variance in the non-problematic group – which may well have contained non-self diagnosed problem users. Facebook ARPU by region, Q3 2018 – Q3 2019. We love the statistics that this data provides too. Spain comes in second ($2.42) and the US at third ($2.29). This service, however, has struggled to gain traction, with a study showing that 50% of US adults had not even head of Facebook Watch. indicated it intends to shut this feature down, third-largest US IPO of all time at the time, forecasted and actual financial performance, 2.45 billion monthly active Facebook users registered as of Q3 2019 – making it the world’s biggest social media platform, 1.62 billion daily active users at the same point – 66% of MAU, 41% of MAU are based in Asia, 16% in Europe, 10% in the US and Canada, and 33% in the rest of the world, India is the single biggest Facebook market, with 269 million users (Q2 2019), followed by the US (183 million), and Indonesia (123 million), Facebook global advertising audience is 43% female, and 57% male, 32% of Facebook advertising audience is aged 25-34, 25% is aged 18-24, and a further 25% is aged 35-54, This falls to 51% among teenagers, only 10% of whom say Facebook is their preferred platform; other estimates set the former stat at 41%, US Facebook users are relatively evenly split along political lines (34% liberal, 35% conservative, 29% ‘moderate’) – though a proportion of each bracket does not feel it has been fairly categorised, In India, the gender split in Facebook users is particularly pronounced: Facebook users are 78% male to 22% female, Most-liked pages on Facebook are Facebook (215 million), Samsung (160 million), and Cristiano Ronaldo (122 million), Average number of Facebook friends in the US was 338 in 2014 (no more recent stat available), A 2016 UK study found an average of 155 Facebook friends, The average Facebook user is 3.57 degrees of separation from any other, 1.4 billion Facebook users use groups every month; over 10 million groups exist, The average US user uses Facebook for 37 minutes per day, 96% of Facebook users access the app via a mobile device, with 25% using a computer, Most common reasons to use Facebook are to view photos (65% of users), to share content with users’ networks (57%), and to watch videos (46%), 15% of Facebook users use the app to shop, with 800 million monthly users of Facebook Marketplace, Average Facebook user likes 13 posts, makes five comments, shares one article, and clicks 12 adverts per month, Average Facebook post engagement rate is 3.42%, Facebook users watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook per day, 52% of US adults use Facebook as a news source (a lower estimate gives us 38%), In May 2019, 120 million fake active Facebook accounts were identified, Between April and September 2019, 3.2 billion fake Facebook accounts were removed before becoming active, 1.76 billion spam posts were removed by Facebook in Q1 2019, 50 prominent fake news stories were shared, commented, and reacted to 22 million times on Facebook in 2018, 50% of Indians were exposed to fake news on Facebook or WhatsApp in the run-up to the 2019 general election, 3.1% of US Facebook users identify themselves as problem users (i.e. While we might expect slowing levels of growth, if we go a year further back still (between 2015 and 2016) we see a huge increase of 177%, clearly marking a point at which Facebook established how to move forward at a new level of financial productivity. If you’re an existing customer and you want to know more, your account manager will be happy to help. Adapt and win with Consumer Research, our new digital consumer intelligence platform. Previous quarters in 2019, however, have seen higher than average cost of revenue and general & administrative expenses. According to stats from AudienceProject, republished on eMarketer, 60% of US digital video viewers use Facebook to watch videos. 47% of Facebook users only access the platform through mobile. 74% of marketers say they want to learn more about Facebook ads. Facebook’s actions (or lack of) in tackling this scourge has been consistently deemed unsatisfactory by media observers and experts, whatever lip service it has paid to doing so. 2013’s figure of $7.87 billion represents a tenfold increase over 2009’s $777 million. A 2017 study conducted by Facebook investigated how Facebook user behaviour was affected by various factors. We might also note that in third and fourth place we find WhatsApp (1.6 billion users) and Facebook Messenger (1.3 billion). While it only ranks as the most-used app in two of the eight categories in question, it is second in five more, and a pretty close third in the last remaining. Of course, other variables play into this which mean that this is an imperfect comparison. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy. Slightly more recent Facebook CPC by campaign objective stats published by AdEspresso find significantly higher results than Metricool. The average level across 2018 was perhaps around $0.63. Facebook’s global reach is also reflected in the fact that every continent is represented in the top-20, with the exception of Oceania. Even when it come to advertising, this is still ‘social’ media after all…. Failure to comply with US FTC edict related to data privacy issued in 2012 saw Facebook fined $5 billion in 2019. ; Male users (19.3%) and female users (13.2%) between the ages of 25 and 34 years are the biggest demographic group on Facebook. That said, no other app gets anywhere near it. And many of them are sticking to free tools like Facebook Pages, groups, and Messenger. There are 1.49 billion daily active users. As with any research issued from the corporate entity in question – particularly Facebook – it is worth being alive to any spin/PR in these findings – potentially in the form of omissions. (It’s important to state here that we only have recourse to figures as Facebook as a whole, so this figure will also incorporate revenue generated from Instagram and Facebook Messenger, while WhatsApp is not a revenue generating product). The global median reported according to this methodology was four. As of the third quarter of 2019, total monthly active Facebook users numbered 2.45 billion, making it comfortably the world’s largest social media platform. Indeed, entire TED Talks have been given on Facebook’s role in influencing democratic processes, through the spread of disinformation, as well as the aforementioned unethical usage of personal data. That is that Asia is gradually coming to contribute a greater share of Facebook revenue, while the share contributed by Europe is being eroded. There is one small caveat to be mentioned in relation to the Facebook user figures listed at the top of this fact file. 83% of parents on Facebook are friends with their children. Level of education sees a more pronounced difference, though 61% of those with high school diplomas or less use Facebook. In the midst of all the negativity (again worth pointing out – justified) it’s easy to forget the ways in which Facebook is a marvel. 40% of users don’t like any brand pages – meaning paid adverts are the only way to reach them. This is by far the most expensive click to pursue, coming in at over 50% higher than second-place lead generation. Unsurprisingly, the biggest social media outlet of them all has been associated with problematic usage. Subscribe to keep your finger on the world’s pulse. It would seem perhaps like the stuff of science fiction, part of beautiful vision of our online future. Although 75% of brands will pay to promote posts. A single login which would let you instantly sign up to media or commercial services around the world. 20. Aside from the obvious presence of the US in second place, we also see the likes of Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico. While other apps don’t tend to be used as much by rural users as by suburban or especially urban users, the range here goes from 66% (rural) to 73% (urban), for example. In terms of average monthly ad clicks, the average of eight in early January again represents different data provider methodology – so we can’t directly compare it with the higher figure reported in October. If you happen to have been living under a rock for most of the 21st century, the primary function of Facebook is to allow users to connect with friends and acquaintances. Technical presentations by Facebook staff suggested that as of June 2010 the company was running at least 60,000 servers in its data centers, up from 30,000 in 2009 and 10,000 back in April 2008. Perhaps there is something about outside the Facebook app or website itself that makes users feel a bit more comfortable about viewing ads. According to official Facebook stats, quoted by Hootsuite/We Are Social, the addressable advertising audience (people who can be reached by ads through Facebook) of Facebook is 1.9 billion (October 2019) – just a shade short of a third of all the adults that can be reached around the world. This tells us something interesting about Facebook advertising: brands seemingly do not view it simply as a direct conduit towards a purchase, but rather a way to build relationships with current and prospective consumers. Japan (three) again features towards the lower end of the scale for this sort of engagement, as does Russia (four), level with three African nations (Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria). Problematic usage was defined as that which had a negative effect on users’ lives, and over which users did not feel they had control (both elements were required). This compares to 62% of Asian Facebook users, and 65% from the rest of the world. There are over 60 million active business Pages. 68% said they planned to increase their use of Facebook videos, compared to 71% for YouTube and 69% for Instagram. On the other hand, they might be more concerned with the platform’s complicity in the spread of fake news, which is thought to have influenced the result of the US presidential election of 2016 and (allegedly) the UK’s EU referendum in the same year. In 2016, an Oxford University study (the geographical scope is not clear), conducted by the eponymous Professor Dunbar himself, found that the average number of Facebook friends was 155. Facebook probably needs no introduction; nonetheless, we won’t take chances (scroll ahead a little to the contents if you want to skip straight to the stats). The above Facebook CPA figures seem to refer to commercial actions. And, despite everything, it just keeps making money. This, therefore, can be a major issue – particularly when it seems as if the news is coming from a creditable source. This feature has previously been open to anyone sharing a piece, but was shut down in 2017 in the wake of inevitable abuse (to the consternation of social media managers). Not so in the world’s second-most populous nation, India, where 269 million Facebook users (over 10%) can be found – making it by far the world’s biggest Facebook market. The data seems to be split into the same age brackets as the Hootsuite/We Are Social data we’ve used elsewhere. Notably teen users are equally prominent with 35-44 year olds, showing youth-orientation in this market relative to many others. This is in excess of any other social network, though the growth rate is outstripped by Instagram and YouTube – though the latter is far less popular among marketers for the time being. A place where you could share interesting or edifying content, in a range of media, with your network; where you could shop for or sell almost anything; or organise fundraisers. Indeed, that’s the problem with ubiquity – who would want to be on the same social network as their dad or their grandmother after all. In terms of age we find the highest proportion of Facebook users in the 18-24 and 25-34 brackets. The same can be said for home & garden CPA of $44.23. This is slightly higher than 2018’s average of just below $0.16. Even with the dip in Q2 2019 taken into consideration, one thing is clear: Facebook CPM is in a completely different ballpark to that which it occupied even as recently as the beginning of 2018. We might fairly expect that this will be exceeded in Q4 2019. 51% of them use it several times a day. While Facebook user numbers might be continually rising, that does not mean that we never see any attrition of Facebook users. Facebook revenue by region, Q3 2017 – Q3 2019. Ultimately these two types of ads represent two different ways to achieve the same result. Perhaps it seems old hat to us in the jaded early 2020s, but let’s pretend for a second that we live in the pre-Facebook world. Discounting Facebook Messenger, which we will cover in a separate collection of stats, the last form of Facebook advertising brands can take up is through its Audience Network – basically Facebook ad network extended to different apps and websites. Facebook declined to reveal a full list of news sources that would feature. And advertisers will not doubt be pleased that Facebook users are clicking on an average of 12 per month (14 for women, 10 for men). The same applies to video content as text posts, albeit 5% less pronounced. The same might be said of reach, for which CPM comes in at $0.52. Increased Facebook usage has also been linked with feeling worse about oneself. Many of these fake profiles were posting pro-Donald Trump political content from a site called The BL, which has alleged (though denied) links with the banned-from-Facebook Epoch Times. In 2006, it was finally decided to open the site up to the general public – the rest, as they say, is history. China is the only glaring absence from this list, which is of course due to Facebook’s being blocked in the Northeast Asian giant. There have been no signs of a more up-to-date figure from this source – or from any other, barring one exception listed below. Second-place Google’s share has decreased by 25% over the same period, from 16% to 12%, while a seemingly heavily wounded Twitter’s has halved from 4% to 2%. At this stage these clocked at around $0.64. That said, the difference between the 38% of those in the high school or less bracket who use Facebook as a news source, and the 28% in the college+ bracket is hardly a yawning chasm. Facebook generates 4 new petabytes of data per day. Instagram ads, on 38%, are only slightly more than half as popular. In percentage terms, that’s 10% in the US & Canada, 16% in Europe, 41% in Asia, and 33% in the rest of the world. Facebook Stories (remember those 500 million daily users) also feature, with 22% of marketers using these. To date, Facebook has achieved more than a 6x reduction in CPU utilization for the site using HipHop as compared with Apache and Zend PHP.Facebook is able to move fast and maintain a high number of engineers who are able to work across the entire codebase. Facebook: user data requests from federal agencies & governments H1 2020, by country Facebook: fake account removal Q4 2017 - Q2 2020 Facebook: sexual content removal Q4 2017 - Q1 2020 Hive is Facebook’s data warehouse, with 300 petabytes of data. Facebook has denied influencing the Brexit referendum in the UK in 2016, claiming there was no evidence of foul play. We might note, however, that the higher concentration is in the older of these two age demographics, with just under a third of Facebook users aged 25-34. That, of course, is a rarefied case of relatively little concern to the ordinary punter. As with other major US tech companies, Facebook is primarily an advertising business. Facebook in Alexa According to Alexa, Facebook is one of the top ten websites in the world. These changes have led to the time spent using Facebook to decline – as expected even by Mark Zuckerberg himself. So it appears that users don't care that their personal data is sold freely – or … South Koreans, however, may not be big commenters, but they are happy to click on ads: an average of nine times per month – putting them above the global median. In Q3 2019, this figure came to 1.62 billion, up from 1.50 billion a year prior, and from 1.59 billion the quarter before. It predicts the figure will get even lower, dropping to 37% by 2022. Yet here's the irony: Facebook recently posted continued growth and profit numbers for the last year. don’t like any brand pages – meaning paid adverts are the only way to reach them. Although adding a CTA button can lift click-through-rate by 2.85 times. In overall terms the most common elected reasons were to view photos (65% of users), to share content with everybody (57%), and to watch videos (46%). A deal struck by Facebook and Washington State Attorney General in 2018 determined that advertisers could not exclude users according to race, religion, sexual orientation or any other protected class. 43% of the Facebook user base are female, according to Hootsuite/We Are Social. You’ll find them under ‘Products’ in the navigation. Demographic differences among US Facebook users are less pronounced, given its ubiquity. In March 2004, Facebook expanded to the universities of Columbia, Stanford, and Yale. 2. With the exception of a brief surge in Q1 2019, this trend has been consistent, representing a serious reduction in the price point of Facebook ad clicks (24% year-on-year), according to these Ad Stage stats. Switching to by country Facebook page reach stats (early 2019, average organic reach of 6%, with overall average reach of 8%), we see that in certain markets organic reach is much higher: in Thailand, as high as 7.9%, with France and Indonesia logging 7.8%. According to eMarketer Facebook marketing statistics more than 85% of US marketers have used Facebook as a marketing platform since 2016 – a figure set to creep up to 87% in 2020. The second-highest is beauty & fitness (11.65%). Just 24.6%of Facebook Pages use paid media. The lowest Facebook CPA is seen in the science ($12.67), food & drink ($12.91), and pet & animals ($15.29) sectors. 51% were uncomfortable with this information, while 27% did not feel that the list maintained by Facebook was representative. Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles every second. Certainly, others will offer a better match to certain demographics, but there’s nothing that come close to those 2.45 billion global users, which represents a huge diversity of demographics. A site through which you could file and share your memories, organise events, and join shared-interest groups with people you might never otherwise meet. After WhatsApp, it was the most-used mobile app in this same period, according to the same source. In a month, the average user likes 10 posts, makes 4 comments, and clicks on 8 ads. Interestingly, the same Pew Research Center study found that 74% of users were not aware that Facebook kept information regarding their interests and traits. Which social media platforms do marketers use? On the opposite end of the age scale, however, we will see growth, with eMarketer forecasting 7% growth in the 65+ bracket. The largest concentration of users can be found in Asia, in which over 1 billion Facebook users are located. Problematic users in this case were self-identified. The gap between Facebook and first-place Snapchat (43% to 45%) when it comes to sharing content one-on-one is even slighter. On the other hand, science ads may have had a low CTR, but with a low CPC and high CVR (11.04%), clearly the first stat doesn’t tell the whole story. The change to the news feed may have only exacerbated an existing trend. Interestingly we see a very small percentage more who report being Facebook users in the ‘some college’ bracket than in ‘college+’. According to 2019 Pew Research Center Facebook stats, 69% of US adults said they have used Facebook. Do you agree to our cookie policy? These align with the most popular reasons to use social media in general, according to this study. As well as being a social network through which users can connect with their acquaintances, Facebook is very much a platform through which businesses can communicate with current and would-be customers. Many users’ relationship with news on Facebook doesn’t go beyond the headline, either scrolling past and taking it as read, or more problematically, sharing without doublechecking the content (wonderfully illustrated through the mass sharing of a satirical article purporting to cover this very subject whose content was merely lorem ipsum filler text). For such sectors, a high-CTR, low-CVR ads can still deliver low-cost acquisitions/actions. Paid reach stands at 28% of total reach for these pages. There is, after all, a limit to how much it is possible to grow. Though YouTube is well out in front, on 90%, Facebook commands a considerable lead over the rest of the pack – with third place Instagram on a relatively paltry 35%. In 2015, Facebook’s average advertising revenue per user was US$11.96. While the move certainly suggested good intentions, the presence of far-right platform Breitbart cast considerable doubt on what passed muster as a credible news source. The percentage has even increased very slightly since 2018, when it stood at 68%. Median CTR for newsfeed ads according to these Facebook ad benchmarks comes to 1.45% in Q3 2019. The gap is narrower still for B2B marketing, though at 91% Facebook is still the favoured platform, ahead of LinkedIn on 80%. Here, as we might expect in the bridge between the Middle East and Africa, male users outnumber females by nearly two to one. Considering second-place Instagram logs only 73%, and third-place Twitter 59%, we can see just how firmly established Facebook is as a marketing platform. In a typical pattern seen in other social media with large user bases, engagement/reach rates are higher in smaller communities. This is down on 38 minutes in 2019, which is it itself two minutes down on the previous estimate previously issued by eMarketer. This compares to three quarters of those with higher levels of educational attainment. Which social media platforms do marketers think is most important? According to Igloo’s 2019 State of the Global Digital Workplace report, 87% of people use Facebook to connect with their co-workers. Because no matter how much trouble Facebook seems to get in for corrupting our politics, or how much we hear about users flocking away from it through boredom, the first great titan of the social media age has looked something close to impervious. To skip ahead to a specific section of Facebook stats, here’s the table of contents. That’s just what we know of as well. Brazil is fourth-biggest Facebook market, and the biggest in Latin America. Clearly, this is a very different paradigm to that which we see in other major Facebook markets. Engagement rates for videos, as you’ll know if you’ve been paying attention, are the highest, at 6.04%. Colombian singer Shakira and American cinematic muscleman Vin Diesel are the highest-ranking non-footballing celebrities. Originally only open to Harvard students. In percentage terms, this means that a rather stunning 66% of Facebook users around the world use the app every single day. In contrast to this real-life loneliness, they were also likely to have 29% more Facebook friends. In terms of post reach, the organic reach of Facebook posts vs. overall likes stands at 5.34%. Again we see high levels of engagement in Australia and Denmark, both of which reported 14 clicks per ad. Indeed, it was troubled from the very start, when fellow Harvard-goers who had worked with Zuckerberg in the early stages of developing the website brought a lawsuit against Facebook in 2004, claiming that the founder had stolen their ideas. There are 2.375bn billion monthly active users (as of Q3 2018). As of May 2019, 75 million people used Facebook’s on-demand streaming service Facebook Watch for at least one minute per day. Facebook newsfeed ads CPM Q3 2018 – Q3 2019. 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