microservice development with kubernetes

The Default channel has a version rule that requires SemVer pre-release tags to be empty with a regular expression of ^$. However, all properties used by the microservices that make up the Online Boutique sample application are exposed by the Deploy Kubernetes containers step. Any metadata associated with a gRPC request is exposed as an HTTP header, and can then be inspected by Istio. DevSpace provides some “canned” database management systems out of the box with the component flag, and they are very easy to add to a devspace.yaml for deployment definitions: To get a listing of available components, simply run: So we created a repo, which has its own devspace.yaml file, specifically for deploying our infrastructure before we deploy any micro-services. The Octopus server or workers that execute the steps must have kubectl and the AWS aws-iam-authenticator executable available on the path. Add a Run a kubectl CLI Script step to a runbook, and reference the istioctl package: An additional package referencing the Istio CLI tools. My pod came up, couldn’t find a Postgres database it needed to do its work, and promptly died. The blue/green strategy is implemented by creating a distinct new deployment resource, which is to say a new deployment resource with a unique name, with each deployment. This pattern shows you how to create and deploy Spring Boot microservices within a polyglot application and then deploy the app to a Kubernetes cluster. See the documentation for more details. The resource constraints of a local development stack in a system this complex aside, I ran into some trouble with race conditions: microservice A would come up and attempt to connect to a RabbitMQ that hadn’t been provisioned yet, or microservice B would come up before its Postgres database was bootstrapped. Online Boutique has been written in a variety of languages, and the front end component is written in Go. We offer the following installation methods: 1. On the deployment target screen, select the AWS Account option in the Authentication section, and add the name of the EKS cluster. For even more separation between the targets, we could create service accounts scoped to namespaces for each target. After the virtual service has been deployed, we open the web application again and see that the ads we are served do indeed include the string MyFeature: Istio routed internal gRPC requests to the ad service feature branch based on the userid header. Build a Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot and Kubernetes Requirements for Spring Boot and Kubernetes. It is natural that we want these microservices to talk to each other, Kubernetes provides multiple ways to achieve this. HTTPie: Install HTTPie from their website so that we can run HTTP … Developers on Overcoming Cloud Native Roadblocks, How Service Mesh Helps Application Management, Tech News InteNS1ve - all the news that fits IT - December 7-11, Kubernetes security: preventing man in the middle with policy as code, It’s WSO2 Identity Server’s 13th Anniversary, DevSecOps with Istio and other open source projects push the DoD forward 100 years, How to make an ROI calculator and impress finance (an engineer’s guide to ROI), How to overcome app development roadblocks with modern processes, Using the DigitalOcean Container Registry with Codefresh, Study: The Complexities of Kubernetes Drive Monitoring Challenges and Indicate Need for More Turnkey Solutions, Support for Database Performance Monitoring in Node, Reveal the unknown unknowns in your Kubernetes apps with Citrix Service Graph, We built LogDNA Templates so you don’t have to, Understanding disaggregated compute and storage for Kubernetes. If there is no pre-release, the variable resolves to an empty string. Based on a recommendation from another engineering team member, our core platform team decided to vet the Kubernetes developer tool DevSpace as a possible solution to our local development woes. With this workflow, there is no need for extra assets, such as a Dockerfile or Kubernetes … Parallel testing involves testing microservices in a shared staging environment configured like, but isolated from, the production environment. Being able to deploy with a single command is just part of what the DevSpace CLI tool brings to the table. In the screenshot below, you can see I pasted in the YAML that makes up the emailservice deployment resource: Importing YAML from the microservice project. *)$" "$2"}, and the name of the deployment and service was changed to adservice#{FeatureBranch}. When he’s not writing code, he enjoys reading, studying mathematics and physics, and traveling with his wife. My idea was to centralize deployments for what I refer to as “infrastructure components” into their own repo, so that they can be managed in a single place. If your feature branch happens to malfunction and save invalid data in the test database, it is inconvenient but won’t cause a production outage. By exposing routing information in HTTP headers and gRPC metadata (which in turn are exposed as HTTP headers), Istio can route specific traffic to feature branch deployments, while all other traffic flows through the regular mainline microservice deployments. This redirection is only half of the challenge, though. The ad service project in Octopus gained the new FeatureBranch variable set to #{Octopus.Action.Package[server].PackageVersion | Replace "^([0-9\.]+)((?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)?)(. Microservices Setting up your local computer. The desire for this capability drove how we thought about this project, and we hope others can learn from our experiences. However, in this example, we select a label that uniquely identities each node called alpha.eksctl.io/instance-id, effectively creating topologies that contain only one node. In the script body, execute istioctl as shown below to install Istio into the EKS cluster. Jun 10, 2020 kubernetes Spring Boot. The YAML for these resources is shown below: This pairing of a deployment and a service resource is a pattern we’ll see repeated in the YAML file. Notice in this diagram, that public traffic from the Internet enters the application via the front end. With a monolithic application, feature branch deployments are usually straight forward; the entire application is built, bundled and deployed as a single artifact, and maybe backed by a specific instance of a database. and has the backbone of our platform deployed. The default value is 1, meaning a failure of any single pod will result in a microservice being unavailable. Nov 28, 2020 KHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue Fullstack Web applications and Spring microservices… Just like we did with the front end application, a branch of the ad service has been created and pushed as octopussamples/microservicedemo-adservice:0.1.4-myfeature. We can fail the Octopus deployment if the readiness checks fail by selecting the Wait for the deployment to succeed option, which will wait for the Kubernetes deployment to succeed before successfully completing the step: Waiting for the deployment to succeed ensures all readiness checks passed before successfully completing the step. Kubernetes works natively with microservices, and is a good way to deploy basic, and even more complex microservices architectures without too much of a hassle. Synchronization issues (or drift between the staging and production environments), It only rolls back the deployment, and does not take into account any resources the deployment depends on like secrets or configmaps. However, be aware that the post is clear that tenancy information must be propagated with all requests, saved with all data at rest, and optionally test data is isolated in separate databases and message queues. This blog post won’t cover these additional requirements, but the ability to deploy and interact with microservice feature branches is a good foundation. This code can be saved as a runbook (as traffic switching is a process that happens independently of a deployment), and the variables SessionId and Service can be prompted before each run: A more robust solution could involve writing a custom Kubernetes operator to keep the virtual service resource in sync with an external data source defining test traffic. Introduction to Microservice Development with Kubernetes (Workshop source code and notes) - zsala/microservice-development-with-kubernetes-workshop Using microservices, Kubernetes, and service mesh technologies to create a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline requires some work as a robust CI/CD pipeline must address a number of concerns: In this post, I look at how to create the continuous delivery (or deployment) half of the CI/CD pipeline by deploying a sample microservice application created by Google called Online Boutique to an Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster, configure the Istio service mesh to handle network routing, and dive into HTTP and gRPC networking to route tenanted network traffic through the cluster to test feature branches. In order to deploy a feature branch in a microservice environment for integration testing, it is useful to test specific requests without interfering with other traffic. Obviously, in a real-world example, an authentication service is used to identify users, but for our purposes, a randomly generated GUID will do just fine. The easiest way to get started with EKS is with the ekscli tool. So to route traffic to a microservice feature branch deployment, we will need to inspect and route HTTP traffic. Likewise, placing invalid messages on a message queue may break the test environment, but your production environment is isolated. 2. This is a common problem, and one that we sought to address with our implementation of DevSpace, and the processes and infrastructure we built around it. The application has persisted a cookie with a GUID identifying the browser session, which as it turns out, is the method this sample application implements to identify users. Easing Microservices Development with DevSpace and Kubernetes. To enable feature branch deployments of ad service, we need to propagate the user ID (really just the session ID, but we treat the two values as the same thing) with the gRPC request from the front end to the ad service. Before the days of service meshes, networking functionality was much like an old telephone switchboard. This allows for a complete cutover with no downtime and ensures that traffic is only sent to the old pod or the new pods. Storing environment specific configuration outside of the application is one of the practices encouraged by. The inventory microservice adds the properties from the system microservice … It promised Kubernetes resource management with a more reasonable learning curve, secure multi-tenancy with namespace isolation that provides sandboxed deployments for engineers, and hot code reloading from local machines to pods running on a remote cluster. and had a pod running, based on the dockerfile in my repo, in short order. Before adopting DevSpace, doing integration testing for even minor changes meant negotiating time on our shared development environments, so that these changes could be vetted in a real-world scenario without adversely affecting someone else’s testing. Unlike the Deploy Kubernetes containers step, the standalone Deploy Kubernetes service resource step is not coupled to a deployment, and so it imports and exposes label selectors to define the pods that traffic is sent to. Microservices have emerged as a popular development practice for teams who want to release complex systems quickly and reliably. Services direct traffic to pods that match the labels defined under the selector property. For this post, I have used a certificate generated by Let’s Encrypt through my DNS provider dnsimple and downloaded the PFX certificate package. In the screenshot below, you can see I created a preferred anti-affinity rule that instructs Kubernetes to attempt to place pods with the label app and value adservice (this is one label this deployment assigns to pods) on separate nodes. The Istio HTTPMatchRequest defines the properties of a request that can be used to match HTTP traffic. In order to route a subset of traffic to a feature branch deployment, we need to be able to propagate additional information as part of the HTTP request in a way that does not interfere with the data contained in the request. Getting a list of deployments for a given project is straightforward: The reader will note that at no point during this process did we define a Helm chart for either of these deployments, DevSpace handles configuring our deployments for us. Kind. The variable used to extract the SemVer pre-release. First, we need to increase the deployment replica count, which determines how many pods a deployment will create. We need to change this to octopussamples/microservicedemo-emailservice to reference the container that has been uploaded by the OctopusSamples Docker Hub user: And with that, we have created an Octopus project to deploy emailservice. The blog post Why We Leverage Multi-tenancy in Uber’s Microservice Architecture discusses two methods for performing integration testing in a microservice architecture: The blog post goes into some detail about the implementation of these two strategies, but in summary: The blog post goes on to advocate for testing in production, citing these limitations of parallel testing: Few development teams will have embraced microservices to quite the extent Uber has, and so I suspect for most teams, deploying microservice feature branches will involve a solution somewhere between Uber’s descriptions of parallel testing and testing in production. When a new space is brought up, the engineer simply goes into this repo, runs. As we saw at the beginning of this post, a Kubernetes target in Octopus captures both the default namespace, a user account, and the cluster API URL. Microservices present a very different scenario. The contents of these two files are in turn saved into a secret called octopus.tech: The ingressgateway gateway is then updated to expose HTTPS traffic on port 443. Setting up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster … Google does provide images from their own Google Container Registry, but the images do not have SemVer compatible tags, which Octopus requires to sort images during release creation. This pattern is fine for one-off testing of a single application, but breaks down when we start talking about deploying other micro-services to a local machine or cluster (queue the port definition collisions). Hard multi-tenancy, where namespaces can be used to isolate untrusted neighbors, is a topic of active discussion but not available today. Changing the name of the deployment and service ensures that a feature branch deployment creates new resources with the name like frontend-myfeature alongside the existing resources called frontend: The summary text shows the name of the deployment and the labels, The summary text shows the name of the service. In the screenshot below, you can see a second Kubernetes target scoped to the Test environment and defaulting to the test namespace: A target defaulting to the test namespace, scoped to the Test environment. But as the number of microservices grew, tests of a single microservice became meaningless without the others. When I started at Figure Eight, I was given the usual “getting started” materials for a new engineer; architecture diagrams, Confluence pages, GitHub repos, etc. Creating individual Octopus projects for each microservice allows us to create and deploy releases for just that service. This channel will match versions like 0.1.4-myfeature. Containerizing every fine-grained module of your app into a microservice; Versioning/Storing these containerized apps on to a registry from where it can be downloaded to run as micro service By exposing Envoy as a NodePort, Kubernetes … The Uber blog post offers a tantalizing glimpse at how this idea of deploying feature branches can be extended to perform testing in production. Once this was hooked up, I was able to run. The deployments are used to deploy and manage the containers that implement the microservice. All apps and services run on Open Liberty in Docker containers managed by a Kubernetes cluster. Since the front end is exposed via HTTP, it uses different checks that take advantage of Kubernetes ability to verify pods with specially formatted HTTP requests. Service meshes were designed to accommodate the increasingly intricate and dynamic requirements of large numbers of services communicating with each other. In the screenshot below you can see a new Docker feed created under Library ➜ External Feeds: The Online Boutique sample application provides a Kubernetes YAML file that defines all the deployments and services that are needed to run the application. The credentialName property matches the name of the secret we created above, and mode is set to SIMPLE to enable standard HTTPS (as opposed to MUTUAL to configure mutual TLS, which is not generally useful for public websites): With this change in place, we can access the website via HTTPS and HTTP: Kubernetes provides built-in support for checking the state of a pod before it is marked healthy and put into service. In the screenshot below, you can see the server container has been imported complete with environment settings, health checks, resource limits, and ports: The resulting container definition from the imported YAML. Communication between the microservices is then performed with gRPC, which is: A high-performance, open source universal RPC framework. In addition, security policies need to be put into place to ensure test microservices don’t run amok and interact with services they shouldn’t. The recreate strategy removes the need for two pod versions to coexist, which can be important in situations such as when incompatible database changes have been incorporated into the new version. Historically, a downside to using the Deploy Kubernetes containers step was the time it took to translate the properties in an existing YAML file into the user interface. What is Styra Declarative Authorization Service? Spring Boot is an opinionated framework for quickly building production-ready Spring applications. The benefit of this approach is that there is no downtime as some pods remain available to process any requests. Kubernetes is one such orchestrating platform which is best suited to deploy and run a microservices based application. In addition, we can often lean on cloud providers to monitor node health, recreate failed nodes, and physically provision nodes across availability zones to reduce the impact of an outage. Additionally, there are service mesh technologies that lift common networking concerns from the application layer into the infrastructure layer, making it easy to route, secure, log, and test network traffic. In more complex deployments, the topology key would be used to indicate details like the physical region a node was placed in or networking considerations. The token account can then be used by the Kubernetes target: This target can now be used to deploy resources to the dev namespace and is prevented from modifying resources in other namespaces, effectively partitioning a Kubernetes cluster via namespaces. Looking at the network traffic submitted by the browser when interacting with the Online Boutique front end, we can see that the Cookie header likely contains a useful value we can inspect to make routing decisions. We don’t sell or share your email. Bridge to Kubernetes extends the Kubernetes perimeter to your development computer allowing you to write, test, and debug microservice code while connected to your Kubernetes cluster with the rest of your application or services. The feature branch itself was updated to append the string MyFeature to the ads served by the service to allow us to see when the feature branch deployment is called. The Deploy Kubernetes containers step ignores the selector property in the imported service YAML, and instead, assumes that the pods in the deployment are all to be exposed by the service. This allows us to instruct Kubernetes to prefer that certain pods be deployed on separate nodes. *)$" "$2"}. We recommend the following approach: A containerized build/runtime environment, where your service is always run and built. We’ve successfully inspected an HTTP header already added by the application and directed web traffic to the feature branch of the public facing front end application. It is interesting to note that these checks make use of the session ID cookie value to identify test requests in much the same way we did to route traffic to feature branches: If the readiness probe fails during a deployment, the deployment will not consider itself to be healthy. Since Kubernetes takes care of provisioning pods in the cluster and has built-in support for tracking the health of pods and nodes, we gain a reasonable degree of high availability out of the box. For example, custom resource definitions can not be scoped to a namespace. To allow our application to be securely accessed via HTTPS, we’ll configure the Secret Discovery Service. Hystrix/Dashboards in Kubernetes; Zipkin; Take a look at this demo for using your IDE to create a Spring Boot microservice and run it on Kubernetes (complete with spring-cloud-kubernetes … In the Kubernetes Details section, add the URL to the EKS cluster, and either select the cluster certificate or check the Skip TLS verification option. When using containers for microservices, you will end up with many containers on many machines. The additional load balancer service can be deployed with the Deploy Kubernetes service resource step. The blog post Zero-Downtime Rolling Updates With Kubernetes provides some tips to minimize network disruption during updates. Building a CI/CD pipeline for microservices on Kubernetes Assumptions. After identifying a desirable candidate from our stack of microservices, I set about implementing a POC. The front end application makes gRPC requests to many other microservices, including the ad service. Kubernetes provides out of the box support for resource limits (CPU, memory, and ephemeral disk space), firewall isolation via network policies, and RBAC authorization that can limit access to Kubernetes resources based on namespace. There are significantly more devices to be connected together, roaming across the network in unpredictable ways, with each individual device often requiring its own unique configuration. Easing Microservices Development with DevSpace and Kubernetes Enter the DevSpace. This strategy first deletes any existing pods before deploying new ones. He first moved to the Bay Area five years ago, after honing his skills at small software outfits in his native Maryland. Running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)”(~30 minutes) You will b… The Octopus dashboard will not accurately reflect the state of the system. to our, How to Write a Better README Mission Statement, Blog Roundup: Astra + Stargate Open Source API Stack for Modern Data Apps Is Here, Introducing Federation on HashiCorp Consul Service, SQL Updates in CockroachDB: Spatial Data, Enums, Materialized Views, Lokibot Campaign Uses Microsoft Office Exploit, How to cyber security: Software security is everyone’s responsibility, How Dynatrace protects its software development and delivery life cycle against supply chain attacks, Amazon Location – Add Maps and Location Awareness to Your Applications, Centaurus Infrastructure Project Joins Linux Foundation to Advance Cloud Infrastructure for 5G, AI and Edge, Meet Sara Campagna: A Look at My First Year as a Field Marketer During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Open Source Jobs Remain Secure During COVID-19 Pandemic and More Findings From Linux Foundation and Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard Report, Digital Transformation Is Driving Operational Excellence in Customer Service Teams by Inga Weizman, Announcing Windows Container Support for Red Hat OpenShift, Observy McObservface Episode 12: Choking Strangers–Humans, Software, and Priorities with Tim Banks, Top 5 Hurdles for Intermediate Flux Users and Resources for Optimizing Flux, Using workflows to deploy an API to multiple environments, Integrating Cribl LogStream with InfluxData, Follow These Steps To Add a New Remote To Your Git Repo, Announcing Honeycomb support for event ingestion with OTLP, Upgrade OpenEBS to the latest Enterprise Edition using Kubera UI, Why IT Performance & Observability Will Be Critical to Business Growth in 2021, Bi-weekly Round-Up: Technical + Ecosystem Updates from Cloud Foundry 12.15.20. From the root directory of the repo, I was able to run. The script to deploy the agent is shown below: The next step is to save the contents of an HTTPS certificate and private key as a secret. Kubernetes … We define two channels in the Octopus project that deploys the front end application. The user of the Conference microservices application accesses the web application to see the speaker list. Supports Mac/Windows/Linux. This likely means you will have multiple test environments sharing one Kubernetes cluster, with a separate production cluster. IDE based development; CI/CD based development (this is spring boot made easy!) This did the trick (though obviously didn’t make my RAM very happy) so I checked this script in and articulated it to the team as a useful way to get around some of the headaches of running our stack locally. Certificate variables are special in Octopus because they expose a number of generated properties, including PrivateKeyPem and CertificatePem. A recent feature added in Octopus 2020.2.4 lets you directly edit the YAML generated by this step. This command will walk the user through connecting their namespace to their deployment(s), and the cluster on which pods will be deployed. Running locally (~20 minutes) You will buildand deploy microservices images to a single-node Kubernetes cluster runningon your development machine. The two microservices you will deploy are called system and inventory.The system microservice returns the JVM system properties of the running container and it returns the pod’s name in the HTTP header making replicas easy to distinguish from each other. ), port, query parameters (the part of the URI after a question mark), and the URI itself all contain information that is very specific to the request being made, and modifying these is not an option. Up until now, we have not deployed any Istio resources. How do you set up a product development environment for microservices and Kubernetes? Naturally, we wanted the bells and whistles that DevSpace gave us, meaning that the ability to test code changes in a fully running environment before those changes even hit our testing environments is extremely compelling. The exceptions are loadgenerator, which has no service, and frontend, which includes an additional load balancer service that exposes the microservice to public traffic. Istio provides many installation options, but I find the istioctl tool to be the easiest. Download a copy of istioctl from GitHub. Microservices have emerged as a popular development practice for teams who want to release complex systems quickly and reliably. By continuing, you agree The istio-injection label on the namespace containing our application means the pods created by our deployments include the Istio sidecar, ready to intercept and route traffic, but it is plain old Kubernetes services that are exposing our pods to one another. 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