european honey bee scientific name

These are Apis andreniformis, Apis florea, Apis dorsata, Apis cerana, Apis koschevnikovi, and Apis nigrocincta. Source(s): B.Sc. Drones are typically located near the center of hive clusters for unclear reasons. Contrary to popular belief, a bee does not always die soon after stinging; this misconception is based on the fact that a bee will usually die after stinging a human or other mammal. Honey bees also collect pollen, which supplies protein and fat for the bee brood to grow. Wild colonies generally live in hollow trees; when they detect smoke, they are thought to prepare to evacuate from a forest fire with as much food as they can. Mammals that sometimes take bees include bears, least shrews, opossums, raccoons, honey badgers and skunks. The average population of a healthy hive in midsummer may be as high as 40,000 to 80,000 bees. At pupation, workers cap (seal) the cell. All races are cross-fertile, although reproductive adaptations may make interbreeding unlikely. Honey bees are social insects known for their colonies run by castes and sexes. Experiments confirming this hypothesis have shown a correlation between higher mating rates and increased rates of worker policing in many species of social hymenoptera. She deposits each egg in a cell prepared by worker bees. They are somewhat variable in colour but are usually brown with a banded dull yellow and brown abdomen. Emergency supersedure can generally be recognized because new queen cells are built out from comb cells, instead of hanging from the bottom of a frame. So, the scientific name means "honey-bearing bee". Biesmeijer demonstrated that most shakers are foragers and the shaking signal is most often executed by foraging bees on pre-foraging bees, concluding that it is a transfer message for several activities (or activity levels). All U.S. states require beekeepers to use movable frames to allow bee inspectors to check the brood for disease. She fertilizes each egg (with stored sperm from the spermatheca) as it is laid in a worker-sized cell. Worker policing is an example of forced altruism, where the benefits of worker reproduction are minimized and that of rearing the queen's offspring maximized. The western honey bee or European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a species of honey bee. The western honey bee is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. The honey bee's primary commercial value is as a pollinator of crops. History. Commercial beekeepers plan their movements and wintering locations according to anticipated pollination services. Under ordinary circumstances the death (or removal) of a queen increases reproduction in workers, and a significant proportion of workers will have active ovaries in the absence of a queen. It is postulated that it is to maintain sperm viability, which drops off at cooler temperatures. A number of pests and diseases threaten the honey bee, especially colony collapse disorder. Since then, it has spread throughout the Americas. Individual colonies can house tens of thousands of bees. The type of beehive significantly impacts colony health and wax and honey production. In the 1950s, twenty-six African honey bee queens, imported to Brazil from South Africa escaped with swarms of local worker bees from Dr. Warwick Kerr’s experimental facility near San Paulo, establishing renegade colonies of Africanized bees in Central America, Mexico and Texas. In the United States, “European” honey bees (Fig. Scientists have found that genes related to smell outnumber those for taste, and the European honey bee has fewer genes regulating immunity than the fruit fly and the mosquito. Bees collect pollen in a pollen basket and carry it back to the hive, where it is a protein source for brood-rearing. After several days of orientation in and around the hive, the young queen flies to a drone congregation point – a site near a clearing and generally about 30 feet (9.1 m) above the ground – where drones from different hives congregate. In addition to the familiar European honey bee, there are six other recognized species of honey bees, including the Indian honey bee, Koschevnikov's honey bee, the dwarf honey bee, the andreniform dwarf honey bee, the giant honey bee, and the mountain giant honey bee. Apis mellifera in Latin means 'honey-bearing bee'. Western honey bees are an important model organism in scientific studies, particularly in the fields of social evolution, learning and memory; they are also used in studies of pesticide toxicity, to assess non-target impacts of commercial pesticides. Western/ European Honey bee – Apis mellifera; Asiatic/ Asian honey bee – Apis cerana; Red dwarf honey bee – Apis florea; Black dwarf honey bee – Apis andreniformis; Also Read: Honey Bee Life Cycle – Everything You Need to Know about Bees; Apiculture – Meaning and Importance Of Apiculture Lectotype of honey bee is in The Linnean Collection. Imported bees may displace native bees and birds, and may also promote the reproduction of invasive plants ignored by native pollinators. Anarchic workers can activate their ovaries at a higher rate and contribute a greater proportion of males to the hive. There are seven basic types of beehive: skeps, Langstroth hives, top-bar hives, box hives, log gums, D. E. and miller hives. On days 16 through 20, workers receive nectar and pollen from older workers and store it. They look like their Italian counterparts, making it tough to know if a hive has been taken over by Africanized genetics. Honey bees can forage over a 30 °C (86 °F) air-temperature range because of behavioral and physiological mechanisms for regulating the temperature of their flight muscles. When the queen finishes her larval feeding and pupates, she moves into a head-downward position and later chews her way out of the cell. This species has been subdivided into at least 20 recognized subspecies (or races), none of which are native to the Americas. The western honey bee or European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the most common of the ~40 species of honey bee worldwide. The nectar, transported in the bees' stomachs, is converted with the addition of digestive enzymes and storage in a honey cell for partial dehydration. 1) represent a complex of several interbreeding European … A honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to Eurasia but spread to four other continents by human beings. Since then, it has spread throughout the Americas. Although the honey bee was named by Linnaeus, the father of the binomial system of nomenclature, after a time he realized the name was not accurate. Workers do a waggle dance in the beehive to tell the others where they have found nectar; Karl von Frisch discovered this. A honey bee visits 50-100 flowers each trip. The European, the Indian, and to some extent the dwarf honey bees are the species that have been domesticated, although the … A queen will mate multiple times, and may leave to mate several days in a row (weather permitting) until her spermatheca is full. In California almondpollination occurs in February, early in the growing season before local hives have built up their populations. Bombus affinis, the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee, has been so honored. This pits the worker against the queen and other workers, who try to maximize their reproductive fitness by rearing the offspring most related to them. The genome sequence also revealed that several groups of genes, particularly those related to circadian rhythm, resembled those of vertebrates more than other insects. Because a queen's store of sperm is depleted near the end of her life, she begins laying more unfertilized eggs; for this reason, beekeepers often replace queens every year or two. Honey from the Western honey bee, along with the bee Tetragonisca angustula, has specific antibacterial activity towards an infection causing bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. The only fertile female, she lays the eggs from which all the other bees are produced. Although propolis is alleged to have health benefits (tincture of Propolis is marketed as a cold and flu remedy), it may cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. When honey is harvested, the wax can be collected for use in products like candles and seals. Workers are sterile females produced by the queen that develop from fertilized, diploid eggs. However, subspecies of the western honey bee have been spread extensively beyond their natural range due to economic benefits related to pollination and honey production. Identification. After this, they begin building comb cells. Question: B. Relatively non-aggressive and … The subspecies are … This is known as supersedure, and at the end of the supersedure the old queen is generally killed. The honey bee uses evaporative cooling to release heat through its mouth. The old queen dies suddenly, a situation known as emergency supersedure. The European honey bee or western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the main species of honey bee. The primary purpose of a drone is to fertilize a new queen. Under hot conditions, heat from the thorax is dissipated through the head; the bee regurgitates a droplet of warm internal fluid — a "honeycrop droplet" – which reduces the temperature of its head by 10 °C (18 °F). The European derived Honey bee is, Apis mellifera millefera. According to scientists who analyzed its genetic code, the honey bee originated in Africa and spread to Europe in two ancient migrations. The western honey bee, Apis melliferaLinnaeus, naturally occurs in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Honey bees are bought as mated queens, in spring packages of a queen with 2 to 5 pounds (0.91 to 2.27 kg) of bees, as nucleus colonies (which include frames of brood) and as full colonies. Since 2007, attention has been devoted to colony collapse disorder, a decline in European honey bee colonies in a number of regions. Insecticides, particularly when used in excess of label directions, have also depleted bee populations as bee pests and diseases (including American foulbrood and tracheal mites) are becoming resistant to medications. The queen lays all the eggs in a healthy colony. Worker honey bees have a modified ovipositor, a stinger, with which they defend the hive; unlike bees of any other genus and the queens of their own species, this stinger is barbed. This will trigger a swarm, where the old queen will take about half the worker bees to found a new colony and leave the new queen with the other half of the workers to continue the old one. A queen cell is larger and oriented vertically. Mass movements of bees are also made for apples in New York, Michigan, and Washington. Anarchic syndrome is an example of selection working in opposite directions at the individual and group levels for the stability of the hive. During the early 1600s it was introduced to North America, with other European subspecies introduced two centuries later. Honey Bees are one of the most recognisable insects and are the most commonly domesticated bee species in the world. The benefit of policing is negated, and policing is less favored. However, recent research has indicated as many as 10 percent of Apis mellifera colonies may maintain two queens. Like all honey bees, the western honey bee is eusocial, creating colonies with a single fertile female (or "queen") many sterile females or "workers", and small proportion of fertile males or "drones". Western honey bees evolved into geographic races as they spread from Africa into Eurasia, and 28 subspecies based on these geographic variations are recognized. Workers born in spring and summer will work hard, living only a few weeks, but those born in autumn will remain inside for several months as the colony clusters. Subspecies of western honey bees are native to Europe and Af… Colony activities are organized by complex communication between individuals, through both odors and the dance language. Only Apis mellifera is thought to have originated from Europe, Asia, and Africa. Except for the queen, all of a colony's workers are replaced about every four months. The European honey bee is the third insect, after the fruit fly and the mosquito, to have its genome mapped. Not one native bee is a state insect. EUKARYA> ANIMALIA> ECDYSOZOA> INSECTA> HYMENOPTERA> APIDAE > APIS> MELLIFERA Bees and other insects maintain flower constancy by transferring pollen to other biologically specific plants; this prevents flower stigmas from being clogged with pollen from other species. Download Insect European Honey Bee Honey Scientific Name Of Bee Apis Mellifera Macro Photography free HD Wallpaper from the available resolutions. In a stricter sense, honeybee applies to any one of seven members of the genus Apis —and usually only the single species, Apis mellifera, the domestic honeybee. All three forms of communication among honey bees are effective in foraging and task management. North American and European populations were severely depleted by varroa-mite infestations during the early 1990s, and US beekeepers were further affected by colony collapse disorder in 2006 and 2007. Although the average lifespan of a queen in most subspecies is three to five years, reports from the German-European black bee subspecies previously used for beekeeping indicate that a queen can live up to eight years. Fact: The genus Apis means bee in Latin. Despite honey bees' inefficiency as blueberry pollinators, large numbers are moved to Maine because they are the only pollinators who can be easily moved and concentrated for this and other monoculture crops. For the first ten days of their lives, female worker bees clean the hive and feed the larvae. The European honey bee or western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a honey bee. The optimal air temperature for foraging is 22–25 °C (72–77 °F). Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Currently, Honey Bee populations are disappearing from commercial hives for some known and still unknown reasons. hives without special permission, granted for purposes such as museum use. The first part of the Latin name: ' Apis ' is genus name and the second part ' mellifera ' is specific name (or specific epithet). This page was last changed on 31 August 2017, at 01:21. When a fertile female worker produces drones, a conflict arises between her interests and those of the queen. If you don’t find the perfect size you are looking for, then strive for ‘Original’ or best resolution which may fit nicely your desktop. Unlike A. mellifera, Apis florea do not change the precision of the waggle dance to indicate the type of site that is set as a new goal. Propolis is a resinous mixture collected by honey bees from tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources, which is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Another significant finding from the honey bee genome study was that honey bee was the first insect to be discovered with a functional DNA methylation system because functional key enzymes (DNA methyl-transferase 1 and 3) were identified in the genome. During flight, the bee's relatively large flight muscles create heat which must dissipate. From low to high air temperatures, the mechanisms are: shivering before flight, and stopping flight for additional shivering; passive body-temperature regulation based on work, and evaporative cooling from regurgitated honey-sac contents. In these rare situations, other worker bees in the hive who are genetically more related to the queen's sons than those of the fertile workers will patrol the hive and remove worker-laid eggs. Queen breeders consider good nutrition during the larval stage critically important for queen quality, with good genetics and sufficient mating contributing factors. In 1758 Carolus Linnaeus named the bees as Apis mellifera. With human assistance, the western honey bee now occupies every continent except Antarctica. Because of this, European honey bees are one of the most popular domesticated honey bee species throughout the world. Below 7–10 °C (45–50 °F) bees are immobile, and above 38 °C (100 °F) their activity slows. There has been research into the role A. mellifera drones play in thermoregulation within the hive. Since workers are not fully sexually developed, they do not mate with drones. Although the round dance tells other foragers that food is within 50 metres (160 ft) of the hive, it provides insufficient information about direction. Geographic isolation led to adaptation as honey bees spread after the last ice age. About 71 percent of shaking signals occurred before the first five successful foraging flights of the day; other communication signals, such as the waggle dance, were performed more often after the first five successes. In very rare instances workers subvert the policing mechanisms of the hive, laying eggs which are removed at a lower rate by other workers; this is known as anarchic syndrome. The European honey bee, also referred to as the western honey bee, is a member of a group of bees in the Genus Apisthat are extremely valuable for their honey-producing abilities and their role in pollinating plants, trees and crops. The egg hatches into a small larva fed by "nurse" bees (worker bees who maintain the interior of the colony). Common name: Honey Bee or Western Honey Bee Scientific name: Apis mellifera. In 1758 Carolus Linnaeus named the bees as Apis mellifera. We conduct research on honey bee health, maintain a breeding program, and offer classes, workshops and field days for beekeepers. Another means of communication is the shaking signal, also known as the jerking dance, vibration dance or vibration signal. If workers sense that an old queen is weakening, they produce emergency cells (known as supersedure cells) made from cells with eggs or young larvae and which protrude from the comb. The genus Apis is Latin for "bee", and mellifera comes from Greek melli- "honey" and ferre "to bear"—hence the scientific name means "honey-bearing bee". The old queen begins to fail, which is thought to be demonstrated by a decrease in queen pheromones throughout the hive. Animal Database is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The honey bee isn’t a honey carrier (mellifera) but a honey maker (mellifica). Mature worker bees secrete beeswax from glands on their abdomen, using it to form the walls and caps of the comb. The worker bees digest the raw nectar for about 30 minutes, using enzymes to break down the complex sugars into simpler ones. At higher latitudes it is difficult (or impossible) to winter over sufficient bees, or to have them ready for early blooming plants. These bees were most likely of the subspecies A. m. mellifera, otherwise known as the German or “black” bee.This stock is very dark in color and tends to be very defensive, making bee … Nectar and honey provide the energy for the bees' flight muscles and for heating the hive during the winter. Because of this, he tried to change it to Apis mellifica ("honey-making bee") later. Shortly before emerging from their cells, young queens may often be heard "piping". These adaptations include brood cycles synchronized to the blooming period of local flora, forming a winter cluster in colder climates, migratory swarming in Africa and enhanced foraging behavior in desert areas. Workers and queens are fed royal jelly during the first three days of their larval stage. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Interactive 3D flash presentation of Honey beehive, Origin of honeybees from the Yucatan peninsula inferred from mitochondrial DNA analysis; Molecular Ecology (2001)10, 1347-1355,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Periodically, the colony determines that a new queen is needed. Eggs laid in drone-sized (larger) cells are left unfertilized; these unfertilized eggs, with half as many genes as queen or worker eggs, develop into drones. Drone honey bees do not forage for nectar or pollen. They detect the presence of a queen in their congregation area by her smell, find her by sight and mate with her in midair; drones can be induced to mate with "dummy" queens with the queen pheromone. Honey bees direct other bees to food sources with the round dance and the waggle dance. Africanized bees have spread across the southern United States, where they pose a slight danger to humans (making beekeeping—particularly hobby beekeeping—difficult). One bee has to fly about 90,000 miles to conclude making one pound of honey. Common Name: Honey bee or honeybee Scientific Name: Apis mellifera Type: Invertebrates Class: Insecta Order: Hymenoptera Family: Apidae Diet: Herbivores Group Name: Colony or swarm Average Lifespan of a Queen in the … Extensively studied, since bees are widespread and familiar of communication is shaking... The dance language which drops off at cooler temperatures are widespread and familiar 40,000 to bees. Dorsoventrally while holding another bee with several European honey bee of communication honey. Introduced range experiments confirming this hypothesis have shown a correlation between higher mating rates and increased rates worker. Differ, depending on caste and expected foraging rewards pollinators have dwindled activity as. 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